iTunes Gift Card


From the app store you should purchase a huge number of applications for your iOS devices, several are free and several paid apps. iOS and iTunes applications normally free just the Lite version or Trial version, however, not all applications are free lite version, also there is a full version. In order to pay of iTunes application you need to have a credit card, as well as purchase the applications which you buy in iOS shop. But do not worry without having a credit card, you will find ways to buy paid applications, namely using the iTunes Gift Card. iTunes Gift cards are the cards as coupons for the cards provided code or redeem codes that may be applied for the apple ID account.

iTunes Gift Card features a 3 card whose value is unique, that is: blue card, yellow card, and red card. A different function of the iTunes gift card is simple to purchase an application without having a leverage, where we have been, so it might be applicable globally and throughout the world. To buy iTunes Gift Card easily and safely, visit the jecards site, found at

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