How to Write Article Review


When writing a critical review of an article, you will need to summarize, evaluate, and provide critical commentary on the ideas and information presented in the article writer. Research / scientific articles are highly structured to make information easy to find. Research article usually has the following parts: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, and Tables / Figures. You must read and understand the article, analyze the findings or arguments, and evaluate the article, and then you can decide to comment on the article, or setting the pace for the How to write Article Review with the results of good reviews.

Here are some tips or steps that must be done before making a review article:
1. Reading Chapter;
– Allow enough time to understand it.
– Read the article without making a note to get the whole idea of the main ideas.
2. Identification:
– The research question (usually expressed in Abstract and Introduction)
– Hypothesis (usually in the Introduction)
– Test the hypothesis (in Methods)
3. Read the article again and make a note of analytical main ideas and key topics. Highlight important ideas and make brief notes.
4. Read the article in depth again. Ask yourself these questions:
– What is interesting about this information?
– How does the author support the hypothesis?
– What is the main purpose of the article?
For more information and a complete guide to writing article reviews, go to the website located at:

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